A people reveal its piety in its church chant. Such music raises man’s spirit God-ward, and soaks the hart in deep humility; are we proud, the chant reminds us of humility; are we sorrowful, the chant comfort us; are we in distress, the chant pours hop from the Almighty into our harts. All is said in the Church’s chant, and we fill it all. For, in its chant, a people speak from the hart to its Creator, it speaks as it feels, and feelings are language understood by all.
This is the strength of our church chant, for it expresses a deeply pious sentiment, shows fort glory and praise to the Creator and reveals how our people places its hope on the limitless mercy of our heavenly Father. The Church’s chant says everything, flowing from as it has from the hearts of our people. Historically speaking, it is the inherited riches of our people, poured into their spirit in accordance with the feelings of their hearts.
Kornelije Stankovic, from the Book "Orthodox Church Music of the Serbian People", Vienna, Easter 1862
Welcome to the site dedicated to Christian Orthodox music written by Serbian composers. Here you can find hymns sung during different parts of God service, for different kinds of choirs and for choirs of different abilities. Texts of hymns are in Old-Church Slavonic language, written using Serbian or Old-Church Slavonic orthography.
Material comes from different sources. If you notice copyright being violated, please let us know so we can remove that material. if you can contribute, we are encouraging you to do that.
05/04/16: The library of the site has increased with three new hymns thanks to the effort of their authots: O Joyfull Light by Danijela Nikolic, King of Heaven by Marko Nesic, as well as Save O Lord Thy People by Vladimir Stanojevic
11/30/15: We added: Only begotten Son by Bratislav Prokic as well as Our Father and Have Mercy on Us, O God by Plazacic Ivan
04/28/15: Owing to Danijela Nikolic, we posted Angel cried to Her who is full of Grace, Irmos of the Resurrection, harmonized by Tihomir Ostojic according to Serbian chant first tone
03/15/15: We added Eastern Concert "Rejoice, People" in category "Concert Pieces" composed by Caslav Nikolajevic
02/18/13: We added spiritual song Intercession of the Theotokos by composer Dragana Milanović. Find it in section Spiritual Songs